Link for the service manual

Link for the service manual
Useful links: Notes on 6-Element Wide-Band 2-Meter Yagis Antenna Circular Polarization Yagi Uda Antenna Calculator Coaxial Power
Trailer Part 1 Part 2 The old stairs were all wood, had a steep slope, and after many years
This antenna satellite tracking toy was inspired from a project I did last year. Since I didn’t have time
This is a Big Character Clock that I made using an Arduino UNO, featuring interior/exterior weather information (temperature, humidity, pressure).
Thursday, January-28-2021 Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS-USA Executive Director, issued the following statement. Today was a tough one for ARISS. Let
When I worked on this project, I did research in these communication protocols for antenna rotators. There are a lot
Here in Romania, Halloween is not a big thing, but it is still a fun holiday. That’s why I tried
Few weeks ago I set my shed on fire, because I threw in the garbage bin a piece of paper
I encourage everyone to make a small, basic, simple and cheap radio shack. It’s a excellent start for future development,
An Arduino controller for home-made or commercial antenna rotators. Displays on LCD the target and antenna azimuth and elevation, reads